MastGo™ is your exclusive Alert platform and Friend on the Go!
Get exclusive Hospital Alerts, including Updates & Offers, from major Hospitals!
(Currently Live in Hyderabad & coming soon to all other cities)
Use "Donor Alerts" feature to contact Blood Donors in your City!
Users can share and respond to Blood Donor requests across all cities and towns in India!
You can register as a Blood Donor and make a difference!
MastGo™ is proud to launch "Find Blood" feature! Now you can check Blood Availability at Blood Banks* instantly!(Currently live in Hyderabad & coming soon to all other cities)
While giving you the convenience of hands-free voice alerts about Road Conditions, MastGo™ also makes sure that you are able to share Road Hazards, Road Alerts & Traffic Alerts with fellow users!
See and Get Exclusive Offers Near You from Outlets (Live in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai. Coming soon to other cities).
Key Features & Benefits:
- Share and respond to Blood Donor Alerts across All Cities and Towns in India!
- Register as a Blood Donor!
- Check Blood Availability at Blood Banks* using "Find Blood" feature (now live in Hyderabad)!
- Share Road Hazards, Road Alerts & Traffic Alerts you encounter with fellow Users, at the single touch of a button!
- Enjoy proximity voice alerts about Road Hazards and Road Alerts! Go hands-free and still be informed, with the help of innovative & proprietary MastGo™ algorithms and technologies!
- Get location specific offers! Check and get exclusive Offers Near you (Live in Hyderabad, Bengaluru & Chennai)!
- Enjoy exclusive Rewards & Mobile Talk time, for sharing best Road Alerts!
- Invite Friends!
Go on! Join the MastGo™ gang and start sharing happiness!